
Believing you will get married

Believing you will get married

As a single Christian woman it might be hard to believe that marriage could actually be for you. It might be because people ask you if you are called to singleness, which makes you doubt. Or with each birthday it is harder to believe it will happen. Or every friend is getting married and you don’t even have a potential guy in sight, so it seems impossible. Whatever has gotten you to this point, believing you will get married is hard. You don’t want to waste your time believing something that just isn’t true. So you go into protection mode and stop believing that marriage will happen for you. Check out this post to see what happens when you choose to believe you will get married someday.

Working backwards through the dating to marriage process

Working backwards through the dating to marriage process

I often get questions about how to have a successful dating experience, what to look for during the dating process, or even how to figure out if he is the one. So I thought it might be helpful to work backwards from marriage to meeting and see what we can learn about each step of the way. You will want to read this because I offer you some great thoughts to think or even some great things to think about. I remind you the four possible outcomes in dating and some ways you might meet new guys.