Things we invest in — Stewarding Your Story

Things we invest in

I love listening to podcasts, reading books, hearing sermons, and even watching TV to gain knowledge. I am hoping that when I read or hear something new it will sink in and I will know it. I’ll have planted a brand new thought that I didn’t know before, into my brain. And it will do something. I am investing my time and money in hopes of catching a thought that will create what I’m really wanting.


That’s why I love reading. You pay less than $20 to hear all about how they think. Authors share their thoughts and when I see one of their thoughts that stick out to me, and that I want, I highlight it. I might go back and think about it again or read it out loud and process it. Sometimes I will even share that with a friend or post it for others to see too. But really I am hoping that planting their thought into my brain will create something different for my life. Believing that new thought will allow for something new.

Podcasts are so fun because they are free and you are really only investing your time. I love to listen to podcasts on business in hopes of finding some new things I never knew before. Hoping that I catch a concept that they share that will help me. A new thought that would do something new for my business.

I am sure you do this too. With pen in hand at a conference, church sermon, or really anytime you are listening to something. Your brain is looking for new thoughts. A new thought that would trigger something in you that you didn’t know before or hadn’t thought of in that way.

 I see often in Scripture that God wants us to gain knowledge. He wants us to invest in pursuing understanding and learning new things. He knows that new thoughts can unlock wisdom for us. I often pray, “Lord what do you want me to know about this situation.” I long to know His thoughts because I know if I knew them it would be so helpful for me. He wants me to know His thoughts too. He wants me to plant His word as anchors for my thinking.

 Wisdom is the ability to think and act based on the thoughts we have available to us. Those thoughts have come from our experience, our understanding, common sense, and insight. But really that all just means our thoughts come from what we choose to think about, what we have seen, heard, or experienced in our own life.

 Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

 And often we don’t know what we don’t know.

So when I became a life coach and started learning that whatever pool of thoughts I have to choose from is going to be what I know and the wisdom that I pull from I wanted a larger pool, or a more intentional pool. That pushes me to open myself up to new thoughts, and to get picky about what was really in there. I wanted to expose myself to thoughts that I had not been exposed to before. And I wanted to clean up some of the thoughts that were taking up space. It is amazing to think that there are thoughts that I will have in the future that I have never had before, and there are some thoughts in the pool that will never be there again.

So that is why I read my Bible, and look for good books, podcasts, sermons, conferences, and people to listen to and glean wisdom from. I want to expand the pool of thoughts that I have.

But there is something missing that only coaching can do for our thinking.

It’s in a coaching session where I extract thoughts that I don’t want to be in the pool any longer. There’s nothing in place in our lives to help us find the thoughts in our brains that don’t need to be there anymore. The ones that are taking up space and creating results in our life that we don’t really want.

That is exactly what my coaching program does.

It’s in that time, that I help my clients identify what thinking their current thoughts actually does create in their life. Often women come feeling like something isn’t working; it could be staying single, their weight, job, living situation, or their relationship with their parents. Whatever it is the wisdom that they have is playing on repeat in their mind. What I do is take them through a process to find the thought or thoughts that are there that don’t really need to be there.

 And there isn’t anything out there in a book or podcast to show you the way to do that. Learning how to self-coach does. Understanding the tools I teach will help you begin this practice in your life. And this weeding out and adding in very picky new thoughts will be the key to creating what you most want in your life.

When we add new thoughts into our brain we’re hoping they stay in there, but maybe there isn’t enough room because some other not so amazing thoughts are taking up space, and so they never really stick.

When I coach someone and they identify the thoughts they currently have, they often realize they no longer want to think them anymore. They’re done with them. It’s in that moment right there that they need a new thought.

 I am really good at giving some very powerful new thoughts to them. Thoughts that they may never have thought before.

My clients often say, “Wow, I have NEVER thought about it like that.”

That’s when we know we’re onto something.

 So that is why this investment into coaching is so transformational. You can pay $20 or listen to free podcasts but all you’re doing is adding to the pool. Yes we want knowledge and wisdom and often God gives us that. It’s the thoughts in the pool that aren’t leading us to life that we need to do surgery on. We need to do the weeding process and often we need an outside perspective to help us see what we can’t see.

 I recently started coaching a woman who has been listening and learning all about coaching for over a year and in our first session together she said, “Wow… these are just my thoughts.” She went on to say that she had heard so much about it, but experiencing the surgery first hand was absolutely life changing. It was the difference between seeing and knowing. It’s the difference between taking drugs to cover up the pain or doing surgery to get rid of the problem. Being able to identify exactly what thought needs to go and then working on that one is where the transformation happens.

That investment is worth it.

Do you need surgery? If so I know a great surgeon. :)

Check out the group-coaching program today to see what this life changing investment can do for you. Hurry because the doors to this opportunity close on Jan. 22nd.
