The first time I got coached

I didn’t know I was being coached, but the gentleman was asking me some of the best questions I had been asked in a long time. I just thought I was hosting someone the school had here to train the faculty and staff members for dinner.

God on the other hand was up to something else.

Really I had a divine encounter that God clearly wanted for me. As I sat down to vent about all that was wrong he started asking me questions. Really good ones.

I had to actually think for a bit to really understand and answer for me.

It was the greatest gift.

He said things to me that I needed to hear and no one was going to say to me.

But he didn’t say them to me, he lead me to them.

The questions he asked revealed these things to myself.

I had to see them. They were right there in front of me.

And I saw them when I answered the questions.

He posed things in a way that I understood I was creating a lot of unnecessary suffering in my life circumstances.

He showed me how much I was blaming everyone else and “the world” for all that was wrong in me.

I cried for a long time. I was sad. But actually I was really hopeful.

Hopeful that God was in the midst of my circumstances and those things could change.

I could change.

I remember trying to share the experience with my husband. I couldn’t really get words out. But he could tell I was different. 

I went to bed that night a different person. It was like he gave me a whole new way to see my life.

I woke up lighter. I had some tough things to do that day and one of those was apologizing to someone that would require me to step up and be me. The me God made me to be. I was scared but very clear on what needed to happen.

I did it, and with grace and love for myself and the other person.

That was the beginning of me taking my power back. The power I had given others, circumstances, events, and anything really that I was blaming for my struggles. I had become the victim of SO much and it was eye opening.

Then I started daily just seeing my thoughts change. I could tell that new thoughts had been planted, ones that I didn’t know I could believe. I started to believe them even when I didn’t have evidence that they were true or ones that I should believe, but it was changing me.

That is the power of a one coaching session. I only encountered this coach for one dinner. I think it turned out like 2 hours that we sat there.

That “life-coaching” session, or really dinner, was the start of something even greater.

Months after that night, God would bring that experience back to me time and again. I knew that from that one time event I was living in a freedom I didn’t know I needed.

Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. 

I want to help others see the freedom in Christ by examining the way they are thinking about something. That is what my coach did for me. He helped me see what I was thinking. He held the space of 2 hours, dinner, and the entire meal’s conversation for me to process through ALL I was thinking. He didn’t judge me, or tell me what to do. He simply prodded, waited, and let God go to work in my mind, heart, and soul.

That is what I do.

If this is what you need, then join me,
