Deciding you are enough

Choosing to believe that you are not enough is very easy for single women. You have so much proof around you that there MUST be something wrong with you, because a guy hasn’t chosen you yet. It makes sense that the reason is that you aren’t enough. But what if you were wrong? What if you were enough and a guy just hasn’t chosen you yet because you haven’t met the right guy?

When we can’t make sense of why something is happening it is easy to look around and solve for the reason you’re in the situation you’re in. Your mind doesn’t give you the positive spin on it, oh no, it gives you the problems, there must be something wrong with you talk. You fill your mind with comparison to try and see what is different about you from all the women that you know that are married. You have similarities to these women too, but that is too hard for you to see. You can only see what you’re not.

You begin to try and solve for the differences, but it comes at an expense to who you really are. You start to water down who you are and keep trying to figure out how you should be acting, or eating, or doing. All with the belief that you aren’t enough until…. But the truth is you can always find ways that you aren’t enough.

So, I propose a new idea, what if you could just decide today, I am enough. I get to believe that I am enough, or I am not enough. If I believe I am not enough, my brain finds evidence of that all around me. I am continually reminded of what I am lacking, and that affects how I act. But, if I just decide I am enough, the me that God made by the way, is enough. He is enough in me. He is capable of making me in a way that is 100% enough. I don’t need to be any different than I am. No one does. We all get to show up as ourselves and believe we aren’t lacking. And when you start believing that, you will find evidence of this. You will begin to act in ways were you share who you are with others and not hold back. You will stop trying to be someone different than you are. You will embrace all of you, even the parts that you are working on improving. You are working on improving them because you desire to, not because “fixing them” will make you better, or more worthy.

When we step into believing that we are exactly who God says we are, we stop believing the lies that are surrounding us. The lies that we need to do more, be different, make everyone happy. False. None of that matters. You get to be who God made you to be, and step more fully into Christ in you every day.

But the first step is just getting straight on who you are. Not just knowing the facts, but believing it in your bones. Seeing it take root and start to blossom in the way you act and show up to the world around you. You will know that you really believe this when you start acting like someone who believes they are enough. God in you makes you more than enough. You are worthy of love, worthy of friendships, worthy of connection, worthy of contributing to this world. You my dear, are worth it all. Don’t ever believe that you need to be any different than you are. Embrace more fully who you are right now and that today you get to think differently than you ever have before. I give you permission.

Decide today, I am enough!

Thinking this way too,
