Coaching: The first step in the process

Often the hardest part of any situation is accepting what is. We typically just want to fight with reality and believe it shouldn’t be this way at all.

Friends shouldn’t act like this.

I shouldn’t have put on the weight in the first place.

It should be easier to do this.

He shouldn’t have texted me that much and then started dating her.

She shouldn’t have treated me that way

They never should have said that.

The fight against reality is really draining. We put a ton of effort and thinking into believing this is bad, and that it shouldn’t be happening at all. My job is to help you get to a place where you look at the facts or the reality of the situation and you are open to accepting what is really going on.

Once you accept the reality of the circumstance instead of putting so much energy into pushing it away, you can actually start putting the effort into how you want to handle the situation.

It amazing what a shift you can have when you open yourself up to accepting what is and then deciding from there what you want it to be for you.

So many of my clients want peace about their circumstance. They just want to know it is going to be okay. it is going to work out. They are going to be able to handle it. They are going to be able to walk through this. They don’t have to hurt anymore.

I love watching the transformation they have even when they begin to take the first step in the whole process.

Take this verse Philippians 4:6-7 a very quoted verse.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And a peace that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus.

This gives you the practical application of how to not be worried about something. The answer is to pray, petition, thank God and the result of that will be peace. But it is the verses before that which have been speaking the most to me.

Philippians 4:4-5

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all the Lord is near.

Woah… I have been watching my clients shift when they go from pushing something away to accepting it and actually rejoicing in what God is doing in it.

“Lord, thank you for this situation. Thank you for what you are doing with it.”

“Lord, I am beyond grateful for you bringing this situation into my life. I wouldn’t have chosen it but I know it is my greatest teacher right now, thank you.”

“Lord, this situation is perfect. It is allowing me to learn so much about me and even about you.”

They move to gentleness when they realize the Lord is in it with them. The Lord is with them and the other person or people involved.

The Lord is good in it. The Lord is using it for good. The Lord longs for the hard to be good because He is doing something with it ALL.

So what is the first step in the process?

  1. Accept what is.

    Look at the facts of the circumstance. Not your thoughts about those facts. Don’t go to worst case scenario. Believe the best in others involved and yourself. See how God is doing this for you. See the good in it. Rejoice always. Be reminded that God is there. Pray, petition, and thank the Lord for it. THEN-the peace comes.

Practice this week accepting your current situation whatever it may be and then thank God for it. Rejoice in it. I am sure you will see a shift in energy from pushing it away to being open to all the possibilities from it.

Here is to more energy, and less fighting reality!
