What do you believe is possible?

Everything begins as a possibility.

It might be possible to walk on the moon.

It might be possible to carry around a tiny computer that doubles as a phone, camera, and flashlight.

It might be possible to…. Everything that has been created or started began with that line. It is amazing to think about some of the things that have been created because someone decided to sit down and believe it maybe, could be possible.

I love it when my clients start to see the possibilities. They start asking questions like so if it is possible that I could meet a guy how would that work? They might say, “What do you think it would take to….. ?”

It all begins with that thought… it could be possible. And then they let themselves go to the place where it is possible. Where they figure it out. But in between the possible and the here and now is a whole lot of questions, doubt, confusion, failure, getting back up, learning, and growing. That my friend, is the good stuff.

I didn’t realize that I was putting limits on what was possible for me, until I gave myself the freedom to fully dream. I was in a coaching session and the coach asked, “Angie, what is possible for you?” I first thought I don’t know. Which I had just been taught was my brain being lazy. So I knew I couldn’t say that for an answer. Then I said, “I believe that it is possible for me to run my own business as a life coach that helps single women find contentment, confidence, and feel capable to chase their dreams.” and then… “oh no… did I just say that out loud?” I started to feel half giddy and half about to throw up. My coach told me if that was how I felt, then I was on the right track. I let it sink in for a couple of days. I stewed on it. And then, I began to believe that it was actually possible. I even told a friend about it, and when I spoke it, it was like something inside of me lit up. That’s when I knew I was on to something.

So, I have been thinking about you. I wonder if you are putting limits on you. I wonder if deep down inside you want to believe that something is possible for you that you have never said out loud before.

Is it getting married? Or starting that mission, business, or ministry? Is it switching jobs or moving? Is it going on dates or meeting guys your age? Is it losing that weight you have always wanted to lose?

So, let’s pretend you are in a coaching session with me and I ask you, “Friend, what is possible for you?

What would you say? (By the way I don’t accept I don’t know….)

Do you feel half excited and half nauseous? Good!

Feeling it with you,
