Grateful to my past self

Recently I was on a phone call with one of my fellow coaches who is just now starting her own coaching business. I spent an hour talking through all of the things I have learned in this past year and what worked, what didn’t, and what I would do if I were in her shoes now. It was such an incredible gift to process that all with her and I left the conversation full of gratitude to the Angie of April 2019.

That Angie tried a bunch of different stuff. That Angie went out on a limb and contacted a bunch of people she knew and asked them to do a group-coaching program for single women and pay her. That Angie researched products that she would need to make her online business work and made decisions about them. That Angie learned how to run Facebook Ads (might have been a few tears during that process). That Angie got her pictures taken by a professional photographer and created a website (with a lot of help from my husband). That Angie wrote blogs, created social media posts, and listened to podcasts with a pen and paper taking tons of notes and implementing them. That Angie launched a group program and it didn’t go as well as she wanted and she cried. That Angie got a lot of coaching on her mindset and on her thoughts about herself and her business and her clients. That Angie just kept doing the next thing.

Oh I love her a ton, that Angie of April 2019 to April 2020.

It is so fun to look back and see where you have come from. But for some reason I am more proud because in April 2019 I wrote this letter to myself from my future self, the April 2020 self, and I know that I created this.

Letter from future self:

Girl, stop worrying. Stop trying to “figure it out”. You will do this. You will figure it out. You will fail and make mistakes and everything won’t work and it is going to be okay. Stay focused on your why! You want to help single women find the freedom that you so wish you had, and guess what, you will do just that. All the hard work, learning, and chasing after it, is worth it. There is so much to learn in this process. So much to learn about you, about your clients, about business, and about God, so much. Be a beginner. You will love this, and your clients will love you! You were created to do this. “This” requires much faith and connection to God. You can do this, and oh by the way, it is NOT ABOUT YOU! You will grow so much closer to God as you go through all of this and you will lean on Him. He will use you if you let Him. You are going to have SO much fun!

Seeing these two different places is kind of strange. I remember a year ago when I was looking forward and dreaming of this place. I remember never having accepted money or asking for it. I remember my first clients and first consults and first emails of rejection. I remember how painful it felt at times. I remember the doubt and the fear. I remember wanting it to happen and not knowing if it would. I am SO grateful to my past self that she created this. I knew what I wanted and I went for it. I was committed and focused. I was decisive and just kept doing the next thing on the list. I can’t wait to see what April 2021 Angie has to say to me. I am going to sit down and  write a letter from her and find out.

You should do the same,
