Coronavirus: the part you play

I recently played the game Pandemic and so many things stuck out to me about how to "beat the virus".

1. Everyone had to work together, so you leaned on each others strengths a ton.

If you didn’t utilize each characters strengths the people became purposeless and you weren’t able to beat it because it was moving faster then you could. Everyone had different ideas of how to beat it and so you had to work together with the information that you had on hand. Sometimes we made a decision and then new information came to light and we had to make new decisions. Each turn was critical and we had to try and make the best decisions in the moment.

2. There were the right people to beat the virus, like a researcher, medic, dispatcher, etc.

I recently watched a Netflix show about a woman, who for her whole life all she wanted to be was someone who researched and prepared hospitals for pandemics. And that is what she studied and now does. That blows my mind. God has called and equipped so many people with passions and dreams to do this. He has created them to show up and do this work in the world.

Which has me thinking about the times we are in right now and how this affects you.

  1. God wants you to use your strengths right now and give your gifts to others for His purposes. I know this looks different for everyone of you. Some of you are on the front lines serving away and loving on people. Others of you are at home and life looks so different. Your job may be on hold. Your students may be at their homes and not with you. So let’s be creative in how God has wired you to serve right now.

    I am loving watching Annie F. Downs (amazing single lady) share her gifts with all her friends kiddos, which she calls #miniBFFs. She gets on and reads a book to them live on Instagram every night or so. I am loving watching a preschool teacher record herself reading books to each of her students and sending them to the parents of her preschool kiddos. Musicians are recording and sharing things, authors are reading books, dancers are dancing, workout instructors are going live, etc.

    So what does that mean for you?

    Well if you know your gifts and how you can offer them right now, then go for it. Come up with some amazing ways to share what you have with the world.

    If you don’t know your gifts start getting creative. Can you write letters, bake, cook, FaceTime, call, text, check in, etc. Maybe you are great at doing exercises could you gather friends and start an accountability group. Do you know how to cook? Maybe you share recipes and videos of you cooking with your people. No matter what it is offer it back to the Lord. He is loving watching each of us share who He made us to be with the world and we need that now more than ever.

2. God has created and gifted people for these exact passions and jobs for a time like this.

I am so amazed at God’s amazing provision for our lives. He puts desires into people’s hearts like becoming a researcher or a doctor, or nurse, or anything really. But each of those people had to hear that beating in their heart. See God laid on my heart to love and serve single women but you know what I had to do to know that God was laying it on my heart? I had to dream. So many of you have stopped dreaming. You think that your dreams aren’t going to happen I mean where is Mr. Right? So you have put your self on hold. There may be some seeds God has planted in your heart and you have to open yourself up to dreaming about what God has created you for. If you knew you couldn’t fail what would you do?

I hear so many women say things like I want to write a Bible Study, I want to create, craft, open up my own jewelry shop, teach a photography class.

God has a dream deep inside of you and it is worth following. Believe me when I say it can be the scariest yes to say to God, but the greatest as you have to lean on Him to go for it.

I am beyond grateful for the doctors, researchers, nurses, that followed the dream in their heart and are serving us in huge ways right now.

Maybe one of you needed to hear this. God wants you to follow your dreams. It is in your dreams that He serves and takes care of His people. My dream of being a life coach and saying yes to that has opened up the door to help so many single women. Hearing things like you have been the biggest answer to my prayers, reminds me that they were waiting for me to start living out the dream God planted in my heart.

Who is waiting for you? Who has been praying for something you are going to create and offer the world?

I encourage you to play your part in this Pandemic. I know that using my gifts is giving me a purpose right now and it is ultimately to allow Him to use me for what He is accomplishing. I want you to feel the same. Also follow your dreams, you never know how God wants to use you in His greater story.

Have a great week!
