Stewarding Your Story

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Investing in you

Sometimes the hardest things to do are the most important things to do.

When you notice something is going on with you, mentally, physically, spiritually and/or emotionally it can be hard to pay attention and get to the bottom of what’s going on. It’s like you know something is off, but you can’t put your finger on it. We live in a time that allows you to just get busy, push it away, and hopefully things will get better. Or maybe it’s close to your time of the month and you can blame it on that. But often it keeps happening. You notice a reoccurring issue or situation and you don’t know what to do.

You might just feel stuck.

I know that’s where I was. I couldn’t shake the feeling that things just weren’t working for me. No amount of sleep, reading my bible, praying, talking it out, shopping or eating fixed it.

I knew that I needed to invest in me. I needed to take the next step of finding someone who knew what I needed to know. I needed help understanding myself. I was stuck with some situations, some emotions, some behaviors, that all equaled disatisfaction. On the outside I had it all, or appeared to have it all, but on the inside it just wasn’t clicking. There were more days spent questioning, criticizing myself, spinning in negative emotion, and honestly feeling like nothing was going to ever “fix” what was going on with me.

I couldn’t justify getting a counselor because I couldn’t pin point the issues. I had spent two very valuable years in counseling during college to work through past sexual abuse issues, family life, and getting kicked off the college volleyball team. But this was different. I knew I needed help but didn’t know where to turn.

God lead me to coaching. It was there that I was able to see how my brain works. I could see exactly why I was feeling the way I was. I could slow down all of my brain’s processes and begin to understand myself. I could clearly see what the issues were. I was able to start transforming my relationship with myself because I was more clearly able to see my thoughts about me. I could see why I was treating myself the way I was. I learned about how relationships work, how we have expectations of ourself and others, and what those expectations create in our life. I understood just how much people pleasing I was doing and why. I started to uncover my greatest desires and see me. It has been and continues to be the biggest transformation in my life.

But all of that happened after I made the investment of time and money.

And believe you me, my brain came up with every reason I shouldn’t invest in me. Thoughts like:

“Your life isn’t that bad, you shouldn’t need help”

But the reality is that your life doesn’t have to be bad to want to get some help with some areas that you would like to change. You don’t have to justify taking care of you. If you had hair that required a certain type of shampoo in order for it to work for you, I think you would find that shampoo and figure out how to make it work financially and with your time. You might shop around and look for the best option for you, but you would figure it out. You have a human brain. Your brain needs help to understand what is going on with you. It doesn’t have to be hanging on by a thread in order for you to get help. You can notice things are off and want to have a better understanding of yourself to make an investment in figuring it out.

“You probably can learn this on your own”

You could learn all of this on your own but it would take you doing a lot of research and time reading, understanding, watching videos, and piecing together what you think you need to learn. I take all of that out of it for you. I know exactly what you need to know and have done the work to put together 15-20 minute videos so you can step into a program and let me walk you through it. It will go a lot faster. You can grasp all of this in 3 months and be totally changed in your relationship with you and your understanding of what is really going on with you.

“You don’t have that kind of money sitting around”

You might not have that money sitting around but you might be able to find or create that money by working extra, selling something, asking for a loan from your parents, or putting it on a credit card and paying it off.

“It won’t be worth it”

But that would be easier to do if you believed it would be worth it. If you knew you would see transformation. And in the 2 years that I have worked with clients I have seen every client transform. They come in one way and leave the other. I personally have changed a ton of aspects of my life since I have been getting coached. I have lost 25+ pounds, started a business, changed my relationships with family, friends, kids, spouse, and even God. I will teach you how to create what you are most wanting. But it all has to start with you deciding you will give it your all. You will go all in. You will invest in you and make the investment more than worth it. I have had clients say they would pay double because it was so valuable to them to know what they now know.

“That is a lot of money”

The cost of coaching could be a lot of money for you, but I know that when I have more skin in the game I get more out of it. I want that for you too. I want you to invest yourself into you. If you put time and money into yourself you can create a huge value.

“I don’t know anyone who has a coach”

You might not know anyone who has a coach, but you could be the first to experience this and share the transformation with your people. I personally love going first. I love to be the one that says, I will try this. Typically it pays off because I know I don’t need someone to pave the way for me. I can see that this is something I want and can choose to do it regardless of what other people think. It only matters what I think and I can decide that I want this.

“I don’t have time for this”

You don’t have time to not get this figured out. I can’t tell you how much time my clients are actually getting back. Recently a client told me that she spent her day off from work doing what she most wanted to do (meal prep, workout, hangout with friends) where in the past she would lay in bed, binge watch Netflix, and over think the decisions she made the last 2 days at work. My clients have stopped wasting time overthinking, perfectionizing (I don’t think that is a word but we can make it up) buffering, regretting, and spinning in emotions.

Our brain can give us all the reasons, but ultimately your brain does NOT want to do this work. It does not want to think differently than it is. It does not want to give up it’s comfort food, drink, games, shopping, etc. Your brain would like for you to stay right where you are. But you DON’T want that. So investing in you is the first step in showing your brain who is boss.

The tools you learn working with me as your coach are invaluable. The time and money you invest in learning these skills will come back to you ten fold. I am teaching you things that you haven’t learned before. I will walk you through tools that will help you understand your brain and how it works. You will feel your emotions, and have a different relationship with your emotions. You will learn how to take ownership of you life and the results that you have and from there will see what you most want in your life and how to create those results.

Choosing to invest in yourself is huge. It is a statement saying, “I am important. I am valuable. I deserve the best.”

Choosing to wait and hope it gets better might keep you right where you are, hoping your circumstances change so something inside can change. But who knows when that will happen?

You ready to make that investment?