Are you willing to be wrong?
This concept of being wrong has been new for me. I actually like being right. I am guessing you like to be right too.
But being wrong has been good for me.
I have been wrong about a lot of things in my life.
And news flash: I bet you have too.
Even understanding that if I am wrong about something that maybe the opposite is actually true.
I was wrong about losing weight.
I thought I couldn’t do it. But one day I actually decided I was wrong about it. Or I was at least willing to question that belief.
What if I am wrong about losing weight? What if it is actually easy and fun to lose weight? What if I can? What if losing weight is for me? What if I am making it harder than it needs to be?
And get this, now I know and believe it is easy. That I can do it. Which has always been the case I just didn’t know any better. I was wrong about it.
Being wrong can be great. Being willing to question things can be great. Just the concept of questioning your continual thought patterns is a great exercise for your brain. You can learn so much.
Think about it.
Maybe I am wrong about her… maybe she is easy to get along with.
Maybe I am wrong about money… maybe it is easy to make.
Maybe I am wrong about going back to teach school in the Fall… maybe I won’t get sick.
Maybe I am wrong about always being this much weight… maybe I will be thinner.
Maybe I am wrong about the fact that I am never going to get married… maybe I will.
Maybe I am wrong about meeting guys… maybe there are a ton of amazing guys living right here in my city.
Maybe God doesn’t want me to be single for my whole life… maybe He actually has marriage for me.
Maybe I am wrong…. maybe I am beautiful.
Maybe just maybe dating could be easy?
Maybe I have been wrong about him… maybe he is great for me.
Question it all. Question every belief you have ever have about dating, guys, singleness, marriage, sex, engagement, etc.
See what you are willing to be wrong about.
I have so many women tell me, Angie… all guys want, is sex.
But what if you were wrong about that? What if that isn’t what they want?
What if they really want a relationship with a girl based on loving and serving.
Pause and ask yourself.
What else am I wrong about?
What else am I willing to question?
Because maybe you being wrong is the best thing!
Maybe being willing to question your belief will open you up to what it would take to believe the opposite. Your brain would have to go to work looking for the evidence that the opposite is true.
I have been wrong so often, and now I am actually grateful for it. I am so glad I have been wrong and that I will be wrong. Now I actually look forward to being wrong.
Here are a few things that I have been wrong about:
My husband not loving me, he always has.
My life being too hard, I could always handle it.
Not being able to start my own business, when it was really possible.
I can’t possibly go live, no one will show up, and then they did.
I can’t figure out ads on Facebook, that is for an expert. Yet somehow I figured it out.
I won’t ever lose these last 10 pounds. I did and then some more.
I don’t think I can sign that many new clients this month. Again did and then even more.
There is no way she would ever like me. But she did like me.
I could never wear that. And then I actually liked it.
Take whatever phrases your brain is offering you and ask, but what if I am wrong?
God has been showing me this concept throughout scripture as well.
I have been reading through Daniel and I am amazed at just how often Daniel was willing to question things.
What if we didn’t eat the food forced upon us by the king?
What if the guards could test us and we prove him wrong?
What if there is someone who could know the dream that Nebuchadnezzar had?
Maybe I can still pray 3 times a day.
Maybe I can be in a den with lions and NOT be eaten.
I love that he questioned things. He was so good at believing God and His Word to be true even when those around him didn’t. He was willing to question it all.
God is okay with our questioning. He wants us to wrestle with it. He knows it is good for us to question things and our beliefs. Questioning things helps us understand ourselves more.
Remember by default we look for the hard, the negative, and the it will never work way.
We must learn to override that and questioning things is a great place to start.
So I ask you, are you willing to be wrong?
Getting good at being wrong,