Stewarding Your Story

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Why a 30 Day Goal might be the best thing right now...

You might be thinking, what, are you serious. You want me to create a 30 day goal for the month of May? But we are in the middle of so much uncertainty and I am just trying to get by right now.

Yes… there are so many reasons our brain could use a goal right now. Let’s tackle a few of them

1. Your brain has a lot going on and a goal will give it the direction and focus you might be needing during this abnormal time.

When asked who do you want to be June 1st you might think I don’t know. To be honest it is hard for our brains to understand that date right now. You can only think of what is uncertain. But give yourself time to really think about what you most want. This would be a great time to teach your brain what is certain. That you can create something with your brain. It could be amazing to think about regardless of what is going on in the world, this is what I want to create, or do, or have. For some of you it might be you want some money in your bank account to go somewhere, or you might want to be 5 pounds lighter, or your house organized. Some of you might want to hit a certain dollar amount in your business or pass a test or learn a new skill. Whatever it is, this is something that you want. You have a reason why, but ultimately this is you deciding that you can create this in 30 days if you put your mind to it. In order to do this it would require you to focus all of your attention and direction on this goal. You would have to get laser focused and remove a lot of the extra drama your brain is offering you right now.

When you give your brain this goal, it is like you are telling the toddler in your brain what we are doing. You have taken away the knife, you have sat it down, you have given it a coloring book and you have said, “This coloring book right here is going to help us do some of our greatest work to grow and learn and become a better brain.”

We need that right now. Our brains really just want to go on autopilot. They don’t really want a challenge, they just want to make it and they are really good at coming up with lots of excuses. Now more than ever we need to supervise and direct our brains to grow and not stay stagnant during this time.

2. You are putting your effort towards something your really want and not just living off of the momentum of the past few weeks

It would be really easy for your brain to let you know what you have been doing for the last few weeks is right where you need to be. It would be super easy to convince you that it will be like this forever and you can’t really change, that it is hard enough already. But, if you go in and put your effort towards something you really want you are choosing how this affects your life. You are taking the time and brain effort together to create something you really want on purpose for you. This is who you want to be regardless of what is around you. If you learn how to accomplish a goal right now, you will have learned the skill at a very valuable time. It will be even easier for you to set and accomplish your 30 day goals when we are not in a crisis.

Right now when we don’t know what will happen in our future it is easy to put effort towards that problem, but we can use our effort towards a problem we really do want to solve in our life. All the time and effort it will take for you to write out the goal, come up with all the obstacles and things you don’t know yet or will have to learn to achieve your goal, come up with a written out plan, fill your calendar with each step from that plan to achieve the goal, will take time, effort, and energy.

3. This all sounds very uncomfortable to your brain.

Listen lots of things right now feel uncomfortable to your brain, that is why right now might be a great time to make you uncomfortable on purpose. Because the other discomfort right now may not be as purposeful for you as this setting goal discomfort might be. Setting goals is all about discomfort, self-doubt, and inadequacy. It is all of those feelings that you feel in order to achieve the goal and grow your brain and become different in areas on purpose.

When I decided I was going to start a business my brain’s job was to go in and find all of the reasons this was a bad idea. It gave me tons of reasons that I shouldn’t do it, and all of the things that I don’t know how to do, and why this was going to ultimately end in death. All of that has to come up so I can see what it would take to achieve the goal. I had to see all that my brain didn’t know how to do yet. See that is the key, YET. It was in achieving the goal that I learned how to do new things. If you want to know how to create a website, take money, write blogs, create Facebook Ads, make email funnels, do consults, give refunds, take subscription payments, keep books, get a business bank account, and run a 5-day challenge in a private FB group. These are all things that I didn’t know how to do and had to figure out to reach a 30 day goal I had. These were all the by-products of a goal that I set out to achieve. When I wrote the goal I had no clue I would learn all of those skills too.

I share all of this because there are skills that your brain wants to learn. There are skills that your brain can learn when you set out to reach a 30 day goal. When you write out the goal you won’t know the how, but as you go through the process you will learn so much more than the how.

I know a 30 day goal might be totally out of sight right now. I know you might think this is crazy, but for just one minute give yourself the chance to decide if this is the best idea ever for you.

If so, please email me your 30 day goal. I would LOVE to encourage you and challenge you along the way.

Here is to training those brains in the midst of crisis,
