You want to be seen and known.
Because you are single, you at times feel disregarded, overlooked, paid no attention to, dismissed, unnoticed, or even hidden. Some of you may feel anonymous, forgotten, unacknowledged. maybe even a little invisible.
You think marriage or dating will make you feel seen or known, or at least you are hoping for that at this point, anything to get rid of those other feelings.
But, I want to offer you a way to be seen and known without changing any of the circumstances in your life. You don't have to be dating or get married to feel these feelings.
I want to teach YOU how to see you and know you.
What? That is possible? That will do the trick? Angie, this one isn't going to work.
But, it does.
Here is the trick. You begin to notice you, regard you, pay attention to you. You begin to acknowledge and remember. You begin to highlight and bring to light to all that you are thinking, feeling, and doing. You begin to see and know you.
Here is how it works.
I see me. I see what I am thinking. I acknowledge it. I honor what my brain is offering me. I allow myself to be where I am and I take notice. I am okay with where I am at. I don't need to do anything to get noticed. I am just me. I show up for things or I don't and I take note of it, not in a I'm watching you and you better behave sort of way, but in a, "Hey what's going on? I see you didn't wake up to your alarm," sort of a way.
I know me. I take an inventory. I see what is going on. I check in with myself. I don't ignore what is really going on by not taking time with myself. I don't stay so busy that I have no idea how I am truly doing. I take intentional time to say, "Hey, Ang how are you really?" and I wait for it. I give myself the time and space that I know I really need to be seen and known.
I don't expect other people to do that for me. I don't think anyone else needs to "see" all that I am doing. I allow myself to be known to myself and to live into the reality that I am FULLY known by God. He sees me, all of me. He knows me. He continually wants me to check in with Him, not so that He can see all that I am "doing" but so that I can rest in SEEING HIM in me.
Being seen and known feels good and allows me to relax. It allows me to live my life from a place of fullness. There is a trickle effect here. The more I see myself and am known to myself the more I rest in being seen and known by God and then the more I can begin to see and know others. It is like I am filled there, and instead of going out to find being seen and known by others, I can drop that, and begin to look outward, to where I can see and know other people more.
To do this you will need to give yourself time and attention. You will need to spend some time with you. You will need to begin practicing asking yourself questions. You will need to give yourself space and time to get real with you. It may feel hard, or weird, or down right uncomfortable. I promise it is worth it. Once you begin this, I know you will love doing it on a regular basis.
I love it when I do this. I make it a priority to see me, to know me.
Will you?